Green Ways to Conserve Energy and Save Money

Green ways to conserve energy and save money. Want to get off-the-grid but don´t know how to do? Have a look at: a practical guide for understanding and installation (on Amazon).

Make your home energy efficient.

Energy Efficiency

Everywhere you look these days it seems that the main message is, going green and saving money! This is an appealing message for most people, as we are constantly warned of the dire consequences of global warming and climate change. People want to do their bit to help save planet earth and stop careless wasting energy. If there are ways to save money at the same time, then it just obviously makes sense all round.

Conserving energy is possible just about anywhere. If you want to conserve energy your home is probably the most obvious place to start, but you can also save gas and do wonders with your car, in the office at work, out shopping, traveling on vacation, and much more. The opportunities are almost endless. A green lifestyle does not have to be more expensive.

Best way to save money is with energy efficient homes?
Your home probably leaks heat out during the winter and leaks heat in during the summer. For this reason most of us have winter heaters and summer air conditioning units. This should be the first place you investigate for conservation of energy. Are all your windows tight? Are the door seals tight too? This is where heat can leak out and make your electricity bills soar.

If your house does not have good loft insulation, heat will pour out in winter and pour in during the summer. Your walls can have their cavities filled with insulating foam as well. How to conserve energy? Well, insulation is one of the best ways for energy savings.
Ways to conserve water?

Think about the water you use at home. Water saving tips: look for leaks first. Leaking faucets, even just the occasional drip, accounts for a lot of money wasted over time. You could waste as much as 140 gallons in a week!

More ways to save energy with energy efficient devices.
Edison was a genius, but his invention has been superseded by a new generation of energy saving light bulbs. The energy consumption of these lamps is 25 % of the power that a traditional one uses. They also last 10 times longer. How to save electricity? Replace all your traditional lights for LED energy efficient light bulbs and instantly lower your electric bill!

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Visit our website for more alternative energy sources like solar, wind, geothermal, ocean – tips on energy efficiency – clean technologies and green living.

P.S. Have a look at “Energy, let’s save it!” for great tips too, I already subscribed to the EuTube channel



Images: public domain and royalty free images with purchased right to use.
Audio: made with free online text to speech converter

Third graders conserve energy & reduce waste!

Kendall Elementary School 3rd grade classes show you how they’re conserving energy, being waste-wise, and helping Earth each day.

Education workshops provided by RE Sources’ Green Classrooms program:

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